Ankle sprains: Why me?

Written by Dr Ben Lemmens

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why do pesky ankle sprains keep happening to me?”

There are a number of reasons which contribute to rolled ankles and ankle sprains. It is often due to previous injury but can also be due to the alignment of the bones in your foot.

The fact is that about 70% of lateral ankle sprains [rolling out on your ankle] have some form of ligament damage, and In some serious cases this can actually lead to chips or fragments of bone being dislodged, which leads to early onset osteoarthritis.

After an ankle sprain, the structures in the ankle take up to 12 months to fully recover and in the short term leave the ankle weakened, unstable and susceptible to more serious injuries.

It is therefore necessary to protect and strengthen the ankle to reduce the chance of Re-injury. A Podiatrist is a specialist who can diagnose and manage foot and ankle problems, often with ankle braces, rehabilitation exercises, stretching, foot orthotics, footwear advice, CAM boots (moon boots), or can facilitate a referral to a foot & ankle surgeon.

If you are reading this because you have just injured your ankle,

Remember: R.I.C.E.S. – 

  • Rest the injured area, do not keep walking on it.
  • Ice the area for 20 minutes on/20 minutes of four up to the first 48 hours.
  • Compression to the area with strapping/ bandage/ compression bandage.
  • Elevate the leg so it is not the lowest part in the body.
  • Seek help from a medical professional.

If you or someone you care about often rolls their ankles, complains about their ankles, gets pain in the ankle with exercise or daily activities, Get in touch with the Foot and Ankle Clinic to help you return to the things you want to do!

At the Foot and Ankle Clinic our highly qualified team of Podiatrists are all members of the Australian Podiatry Association and offer a combined 50 years’ experience. They are trained to diagnose and effectively treat ankle sprains via a range of treatments.

Put your feet in our hands! See us today at Chadstone, East Bentleigh, Moe, Sale, Traralgon, Warragul & Online Store and Retail Enquiries. NO REFERRAL NEEDED!